This is a tutorial that shows how to handle a JSON Object that is received in a Struts2 Action. This Example is based on the Struts2 Grid Showcase for the Struts2 jQuery Plugin with Grid Extension.
1. First we need to enable the Multi Search Feature for the Grid Component.
< sjg :grid
Now we can use the multiple search feature like this.
2.) After this we need a String property filter in our Struts2 Action.
private String filters;
public void setFilters(String filters) {
this.filters = filters;
3.) Now we receive a JSON Object when we use the Search in the Navigator of the Grid. The JSON looks like this example.
4.) To work with this, we need to serialize this as a JSONObject.
JSONObject jsonFilter = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON( filters );
5.) Now we can get the value from the JSON Object. First we get the parameter groupOp.
String groupOp = jsonFilter.getString("groupOp");
log.debug("groupOp :" + groupOp);
6.) Now we require the rules as JSONArray and the size of this array.
JSONArray rules = jsonFilter.getJSONArray("rules");
int rulesCount = JSONArray.getDimensions(rules)[0];
log.debug("Count Rules :" + rulesCount);
7.) In a simple for-loop we can get the values of the rule.
for (int i = 0; i < rulesCount; i++) {
JSONObject rule = rules.getJSONObject(i);
log.debug("field :" + rule.getString("field"));
log.debug("op :" + rule.getString("op"));
log.debug("data :" + rule.getString("data"));
Now you should be able to use this values to build a custom SQL
query or build a JPA / Hibernate criteria.
hi 🙂 can you tell me reference of JSONObject???????????
i cant find it !!!!!!
net.sf.json.JSONObject in json-lib-2.3-jdk15.jar
Sepide, take a look at this:
My program always aborted without any error message when it run to the following code. All subsequence codes are ignored.
JSONObject jsonFilter = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON( filters );
Much appreciated if you could kindly help me to solve the problem above.
Thank you!
can you please post the error codes?
how does your filter string looks?
Hi jogep, thanks for your reply.
My error codes are as following:-
private String filters;
public void setFilters(String filters) {
this.filters = filters;
public String execute() throws Exception {
if (this.filters != null) {
System.out.println(“filters = ” + this.filters);
jsonFilter = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(this.filters); //<——– (the codes below this line never run.)
System.out.println("after Json 1");
groupOp = jsonFilter.getString("groupOp");
System.out.println("groupOp :" + groupOp);
rules = jsonFilter.getJSONArray("rules");
rulesCount = JSONArray.getDimensions(rules)[0];
System.out.println("rulesCount = " + rulesCount);
System.out.println("after Json 2");
return SUCCESS;
The filter String is: {"groupOp":"AND","rules":[{"field":"remark","op":"bw","data":"test"}]}
Thank you!
your code looks good, can you please surround this line
jsonFilter = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(this.filters);
with an try catch block and post your error message?
are you sure the json lib is in your deployed classpath?
What jars are you using for the JSONObject and JSONSerializer? I was searching around and found a few different jar files.
see the thread for the first comment.
Thank you!
To resolve the problem of cuttle I just add apache libreries
Pingback:How to parse a JSON Object when using multiSearch for jqGrid with Java
Hi jogep,
I have tried your suggestion to surround this line jsonFilter = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(this.filters); with an try catch block as below:-
try {
jsonFilter = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(filters);
} catch (JSONException e) {
But the result is same. It still aborted without any error message.
The json lib is placed in the WEB-INFlib as other jar files.
Much appreciated if you could kindly help me to solve the problem above.
Thank you very much!
I had the same problem (Struts2) and eventually to speed up testing created a Java class with Main method. When I ran the code above an error was thrown saying the class ezmorph was missing. I added ezmorph-1.0 to the library and all is working.
How can I get JSON from action in grid.Such as:
action response the json:
the jsp:
I want to get the "genders"'s value,but I can't!
Thank you!
Is there a way to prefill filters on page load ?
is there any option like :
navigatorSearchOptions=”{multipleSearch:true, initFilters:%{filters}}”
OGNL should work. You just need a getFilters() method in your grid action.
rules = jsonFilter.getJSONArray(“rules”);does not work.
get such message:”net.sf.json.JSONException: JSONObject[“rules”] is not a JSONArray.”
can you tell me why?
I change your code,it’s work.
your code:
JSONArray rules = jsonFilter.getJSONArray(“rules”);
int rulesCount = JSONArray.getDimensions(rules)[0];
log.debug(“Count Rules :” + rulesCount);
my code:
Object rules_string =jsonFilter.get(“rules”);
JSONArray rules = (JSONArray) JSONSerializer.toJSON( rules_string);
int rulesCount = JSONArray.getDimensions(rules)[0];
log.debug(“Count Rules :” + rulesCount);
ok.problem resolved.
Hi jogep,I have a problem that the property filters is always null in my grid action.But I can’t find zhe problem.
private String filters;
public void setFilters(String filters) {
this.filters = filters;
I use IE 7. And the the parameter “filters” always null.What’s the ploblem?
Yes It is Working My Problem is Sloved
I am using struts2 jquery grid in my application.
My problem is
i want to populate grid columns dynamically?
How to read json string values in struts2 jsp page.
My jsonString like this:
i want “al” in my jsp
For that i write code in my jsp…
How to access “al” in strust2 jsp
Thank you
Thank very much for your tutorial! It is helpful to you to solve problem in my project !!!
Dear Jogep,
thank you so much for this helpfull code.
Unfortunately I have the same issue of Xiey, i.e. i always retrieve NULL filters in my action.
This is my grid
and in the action
private String filters;
public String getFilters() {
return filters;
public void setFilters(String filters) {
this.filters = filters;
public String execute()
if (this.filters!=null){
System.out.println(“JSON filters NOT NULL: ” + this.filters);
JSONObject jsonFilter = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON( this.filters );
System.out.println(“JSON filters NULL: ” );
Could you kindly support me?
Is there something I miss?
Thanks in advance and best regards