Struts2 jQuery Plugin This release is mostly a maintenance release, this means it includes a new jQuery, jQuery UI and related Plugins Software Stack but also some Bug Fixes. For a complete list of changes since last version, please visit
Version 1.2.0 of Struts2 Bootstrap Plugin released
Since the First 1.0.0 Release of Struts2 Bootstrap Plugin there are some important changes. Maven Support Like promised in my previous post, this Plugin is now available as Maven Artifact. … com.jgeppert.struts2.bootstrap struts2-bootstrap-plugin 1.2.0 … Extended Showcase The Showcase includes
New Struts2 Bootstrap Plugin released
I have just released my first GIT based Project at Google Code. Thanks to IntelliJ IDEA for the great GIT Integration. This Struts2 Bootstrap Plugin is for an easy Integration of Twitter Bootstrap into a Bootstrap based Struts2 Web app.
Mit Java twittern
Da Twitter ja gerade stark in Mode ist, will ich an dieser Stelle mal ein kleines Beispiel bringen wie man mit Java automatisiert twittern kann. Ich nutze das z.B. um bei über die neusten Aktivitäten, wie neue Weingüter, Weine, Forenbeiträge