For a better support of mobile development with Java and the popular MVC Framework Struts2, I include in the next version of Struts2 jQuery Plugin a new Module based on jQuery mobile. Planned Features of the Struts2 Mobile Plugin are an easy AJAX support and a jQuery mobile theme for form elements. I just upload the current development showcase for the new Struts2 jQuery Mobile Showcase.

Struts2 jQuery Mobile Showcase

The current module and showcase is based on the jQuery mobile alpha 3 release.

I’m always open to suggestions.

Preview for Struts2 jQuery Mobile Showcase
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5 thoughts on “Preview for Struts2 jQuery Mobile Showcase

  • 2011-03-01 at 08:57

    Fantastic! This is a welcome development

  • 2011-09-29 at 20:19

    I am using this plugin in my current development and it has been very helpful developing a mobile app. It is really fantastic.

    I am having trouble catching the selected item of a list in the server side. Here is the code:

    JSP code:

    The method of the action is executed but I wonder how should I catch the selected item of the list in my java action class.

    Could someone please help me?


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